Friday 24 May 2013

Patients Pancreatic Cancer

 Constitution and breaking load for patients with pancreatic cancer:

Since my mother died of pancreatic cancer that I spent much of my life, writing articles that can help patients with pancreatic cancer to improve their quality of life. Life is precious and even some face detects a deadly disease, as many do not take the time, how precious and fragile life can be. What can you do when pancreatic cancer is his most prized possession, the life is in danger? The answer is that you enjoy what you have and take steps to maximize the time you have. This article describes the digestion and relieves debt pancreatic cancer patients and their families.
Digestion and debt relief may seem appropriate Pancreatic cancer to solve two problems, but for the most part, to address these two problems can make a big difference for patients with pancreatic cancer and their families. I will first ask the question of digestive cancer, like a brutal digestion is important for patients with pancreatic cancer. The reason for this is that people with this disease for life and fights to destroy the cancer fight. We all know the word is often used: "You are what you eat." The problem is that if you do not eat anything because they do not eat anything, or in other words, you will die if you cannot feed your body.
There are many books with nutrition plans and nutritional advice for cancer patients with advice on which foods to cure or help you live longer, but you should use to be able to make it work. Pancreatic cancer their digestive capacity of many ways to steal your appetite cause great discomfort when you eat robbed. You can eat several small meals throughout the day, eating protein supplements rich in vitamins and big, and you can even make your digestive enzymes, which are recommended, but they are only going to times when no matter what you do, if you have difficulty eating have.
A nifty little trick my father taught helped my mother when she did it, and chances are that will help you or your loved one, and we encourage them to do so accurately. Pay is on a proper diet in cancer is crucial for the stability and some recovery, too. Crisis is associated with pancreatic cancer in particular, is that the digestive system is changed one of the deadliest cancers in the world. Can eat a simple theme, small meals and snacks each provide escape routes and a cucumber. There is something about the composition of a cucumber, which aids digestion and helps to prevent, acid reflux disease and pain with the conditions that eat it too hard for people to digest and make associated food. If you do not have to eat a cucumber and see each food intake and the difference. You will be pleasantly surprised, and you have nothing to lose. I am not a doctor and do not constitute medical advice, it's just something that could help you or your loved one life more on something I saw firsthand. Try lease with dill digestive problems.
The more patients with pancreatic cancer are capable of most of the foods that fight cancer, the better the quality of life is to eat. Has anyone much good to live long with a disease if it is a poor quality of life and quality of life of cancer patients is an important treasure; you never know how much life you have. What happens if the ability to eat the right foods will help you live longer on this earth? What if? Pickles do not try? It was very painful to see that my mother cannot eat. We would be so happy if she was hungry and after her wracked with pain after eating was always a scene that killed the joy of victory, we felt that we had moments before hand. If cucumbers help digest their food without complications and pain that I gained new hope for a long life or recovery for them, but they are not consistent to stay with him, and it was the case.
Fortunately, you can learn from our mistakes. Sometimes it is difficult to do get a cancer patient, what it needs to live, when they are in the mind-altering painkillers such as morphine. What I can recommend is to make sure that the cancer patients. Somehow you know, especially those with pancreatic cancer remains faithful to the cucumber eating, what happens it always amazes me how a component of an agent can be a single element that never attention is paid before. Two other treatments that I recommend searching the internet for the treatment of cancer are sodium bicarbonate and processing asparagus. Try all reasonable steps until you find something that works.
Secondly, I would like to address the problem of debt. Cancer is a very difficult disease to treat, and most people do not pay enough to cover the bills cancer rate. All we had to get medicine for my mother were so numerous and more expensive than annual drug benefits were exhausted. Some recipes up to $ 800 for a 10 day supply. It is absolutely outrageous that when a person dies, and the payment of its debt to the life that they live almost bankrupt, or just to live a little longer to be found in most peace with the disease. I have some suggestions for you for free.
First of all, please come to the conclusion that cancer can happen to anyone. Cancer does not discriminate, and no one is exempt. Cancer is the rich and poor, famous or unknown, young and old, black, white, brown, red and yellow. I suggest all Alfa and I am not an agent of the Alfa, but I have years and I know they have a plan that pays a claim in the cancer diagnosis and helps to pay for this insurance payments as well as income supplement to cover. You do not have contact an agent for more details. I just wanted to say a little more about it in this article.
Then I performed studies in patients with cancer. Pancreatic cancer is a cancer that has been marginalized in terms of cancer research, and even recently adopted legislation was further carried out to explore pancreatic cancer. When a patient in a pancreatic cancer study, which often get in a position to the latest and most innovative treatments for the disease and without costs allowed. I definitely recommend taking part in a study, but if the treatment does not seem too hard next to the body. Pancreatic cancer is difficult to diagnose because so difficult is usually not diagnosed until it is the fourth stage, and at this stage, there is often very little benefit from chemotherapy derived. My mother was an experimental chemotherapy showed an improvement, but could not. Continue with it because of its impact on their
the third thing I want to share on the subject of debt in relation to life insurance. Everything I say is to ensure that you cover more than enough life insurance to funeral. Life insurance needs for an amount for the funeral, as well as bills and living expenses for those who will remain. I feel sad and sorry for not saying that. Sorry for the fact that death can occur is very difficult to treat. It is very difficult to find someone you love or live to himself no longer thinking. I do not feel, because it is indeed possible to treat. My mother had a lot of bills with my father and his family and the pain would have been nice to not have to have the collection calls while we subject to the death for our loss. Bypassing you need to think about income replacement, funeral expenses, bills and debts outstanding at the beginning. That makes things easier in the long run, so please call.
In addition to providing people with pancreatic cancer and cancer in general, useful information about my experience with cancer is based thanks to my mother; I started a company that freed people to debt and mortgage help. Imagine. The load that must be removed, if you own your house and have no mortgage payments can be Now imagine what it would be, not only have not a mortgage, but also to pay their bills, and car notes and credit cards. Cancer can leave devastating debt, such as medical expenses and prescription. About the debt that was already in place before bills disease to surface many cancer patients should receive care at home, and then there are palliative care, legal fees and funeral expenses. My job is to help people to erase the debt of their lives, so that they continue to live with less pressure.
The way I do this is, people become a little-known financial system in Australia to introduce already in the United States and Canada. Not a bi-weekly program or debt restructuring, but with advanced financial system that people have their mortgage and debt of a third to half the time allows to pay it saves them thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars in interest, while the mortgage and debt free. It would be much easier to have for my father, if your home was canceled while my mother went through his dramatic episode of pancreatic cancer. If you pay your mortgage, and before they were diagnosed more money would have provided for the treatment of cancer are available. You'd be surprised how many people into debt when they or a loved one has cancer can be. Debt quickly increases in credit costs and medications. Some even ignore their internal notes to pay for medical bills, because it is the most important issue during the period. I will not help you in prioritizing debt I want to help you, free. From the burden of debt, and if you are a homeowner, I want to be free of the mortgage as well
A person who recently went under this program, which I suggest is 8 years left on their mortgage, and if they start paying your mortgage, note truck and credit card debt in less than 13 months, almost unchanged in its current lifestyle same income they had been. Cancer is very bad for cancer patients and for those who know and love the victims of cancer. I'll give you a free analysis of how the mortgage and debt free in 1/3 to ½ the time to see your current income in order to know if I can help in any way. I am also for other proposals to contact the treatment of cancer, particularly cancer of the pancreas. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Monday 13 May 2013

Probable Cause

Pancreatic Cancer - Probable Cause

Pancreatic Cancer is becoming increasingly common, in the Western countries. Latest studies reveal an alarming proposition of increased incidence. The major cause of concern about Pancreatic Cancer is the relative resistance to pancreatic cancer conventional treatment and an increased mortality rates associated with it. 2004 alone saw a death of 31,200 cases of deaths due to Pancreatic Cancer in the USA. In the UK, Pancreatic Cancer is the 11th common cause of Cancer.
Pancreatic Cancer being such a killer disease, it is imperative to know more about it, especially about the causes and risk factors. More importantly, the preventable causes of this disease must be determined. After all prevention is better than cure, more so when the cure is very far or almost nowhere in sight.
There are various causes of Pancreatic Cancer but the broad classification is among the genetic or inherited causes and the acquired causes or risk factors leading to Pancreatic Cancer.
Genetic Cause:
A genetic link or predisposition is found in almost 1 out of 10 cases. The genes are carried on from the previous generation and later on in life develop in to full blown Cancer. There are two sets of genes which every individual inherits from the parents. Each set belongs to each of the parents. Now if in case the genes inherited from the father is mutants of the cancer related gene, and the other genes inherited from the mother are totally intact, then the individual may go on in life without any specific pancreatic illness. But in case the individual exposes himself or herself to the high risk factors associated with pancreatic cancer then the normal gene inherited from the mother may also be damaged. Now the individual in question has two damaged genes and this can go on to a full blown clinical case of Cancer.
Risk Factors:
The risk factors are the things which can cause an accelerated progress towards the disease. Smoking, Age, Religion, Gender, Ethnicity, Occupational exposure to chemical and metal industry, diabetes, Obesity, diet high in fats etc are all part of the Risk factor list.
Cigarette smoking is high on the list of risk factors. Smoking not only predisposes to full blown disease in genetically inherited cases, but also causes the onset of the disease in a much younger age. Smoking accounts as a cause for as much as 25 % of the cases. Smoking when stopped completely has also proved to reduce or completely terminate the cause of Cancer in case of inherited genes.
Typically the seventh generation seems to be the favorite age for onset of the disease, especially between 60-80 years of age.
Males are more at risk of developing this deadly disease as compared to females.
The African Americans seem to be more at risk as compared to the whites.
Individuals who are exposed to the chemical and metal industry for considerably long periods of time have been seen to develop Cancer.
When the Diabetes in an adult individual has been continuing since a long time, it can predispose to Pancreatic Cancer. Diabetes is also a clinical sign of Pancreatic Cancer.
Unhealthy dietary habits have long been touted as a common cause of Cancer. A diet which is too concentrated in red meat, nitrosamines, fried food and junk food is dangerous. Regular intake of fruits and fresh vegetables should help in reducing the risk.
Though it has got nothing to do with religion in particular, the Ashkenazi Jews show a higher incidence of this disease. This may be due to the fact that (BRCA2) which is a mutant in the breast cancer gene is known to be passing through different generations of the Ashkenazi Jews.
This is another high risk factor which predisposes not only to possible  but also to many other chronic and fatal diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes and Cardio vascular diseases.

Survival Rate

 Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rate:

A pancreatic cancer survival rate refers to the percentage of people who were reported still living after being diagnosed with the cancer about 5 yrs ago.
This disease is one of the deadliest of all cancers and one with the lowest survival rates. According to the American Cancer Society, only 5% of patients with this pancreatic  disease are alive 5 years after the cancer is found.
In the United States, it is estimated that more than 30,000 people are diagnosed with this disease each year. What is surprising is that many people don't know this and in addition, most of them are not even sure what cancer of the pancreas is. Another little known fact about this disease is that more than 60,000 cases are diagnosed in Europe each year.
The pancreatic cancer is a gland behind the stomach that is shaped a wee bit like the shape of a fish. It is six inches long and less than 2 inches wide. It extends across the abdomen. The pancreas has two functions. It breaks down fats and proteins in foods we eat for body absorption. The pancreas also produces hormones to help balance the amount of sugar in the blood.
While cancer of the pancreas can affect anyone, the American Cancer Society has identified several risk factors for this disease:
* Nearly 70 percent of patients with this disease are over 55 years.
* Men are affected more often than women.
* Blacks are more likely to have this disease than whites.
* The risk is higher among smokers.
* There may be a link with the consumption of large amounts of red meat and pork, especially processed meats (like sausage and bacon).
* Very overweight people are 20% more likely to develop this disease.
This type of cancer is a fatal disease and pancreatic cancer survival rate is very poor. The cancer of the pancreas is the fourth most common cause of cancer-related mortality in the United States. Over 98% of patients with cancer of the pancreas die.
Diagnosis of this cancer at an early stage is very difficult because the symptoms in the early stages are vague and diagnostic procedures are not very reliable in diagnosing the disease at an early stage. The diagnosis is usually made at an advanced stage of the disease, making it very difficult to treat. Complete tumor resection is also not curative and pancreatic cancer survival rate is only 1 amongst 20 people.
Recent studies and clinical trials are offering promising results but at the moment, curative resection remains the only hope to improve the over-all pancreatic cancer survival rate.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Dealing for Pancreatic Cancer

 Substitute Dealing for Pancreatic Cancer:

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to treat using conventional Western Medicine. That is where an alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer comes in. Pancreatic cancer is hard to treat because it has very few symptoms before it spreads to other parts of the body. This is because pancreatic cancer is usually a very aggressive. By the time it is detected, it is often too late for conventional Western medicine to do anything other than to prolong life a few months.
To understand pancreatic cancer, first we have to understand what the pancreas does (most people don't have a clue). The pancreas makes enzymes that end up helping us digest our cooked food. We need this help because cooked food has no more live enzymes present. One of the enzymes the pancreas produces is called try sin. This enzyme eats holes in the walls of cancer tumors so that white blood cells can enter the cancer tumor and destroy it, (by the way, we all have cancer cells; if our immune system is in good shape and we have try sin available, our body's destroy the cancer) so if we're eating a lot of cooked foods, we have little or no enzyme protection against cancer tumors because we're using all of our try sin to digest our food. If our immune system is also in bad shape, then we have no more defenses left!
Of course, the pancreas also produces the insulin which breaks down the glucose our bodies generate from our food. In diabetes, the pancreas either produces an insufficient amount of insulin or none at all, so diabetics have to take in a supplemental supply of insulin.
So what is an alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer? Believe it or not, it all started back in the time of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. Hippocrates said that his cure for cancer was garlic and onions. At first look, this might seem ridiculous, but we have to dig deeper into why this would be true.
An important insight came in 1924 when Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg wrote in a paper than cancer cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. It just so happens that garlic and onions both belong to a small group of foods that are naturally alkaline (have oxygen present), so Hippocrates may not have known why it worked, but he was right about his method working.
One of the traits that all cancer patients have in common is that their bodily fluids have an acidic ph. This is important because an acidic liquid tends to expel oxygen. An alkaline fluid tends to hold on to oxygen. An alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer and any other kind of cancer is to alkalize the body. This can be done by eating foods that are either outright alkaline or foods that become alkaline after being processed by the body. Since most foods are acidic, it may be necessary to also ingest an alkaline supplement like calcium.
Calcium is definitely alkaline and has many other benefits to the body. All calcium is good, but coral calcium is the best. Its calcium is ionized so its absorption rate by the body is 100%. If marine grade coral calcium is used; it's even better because it also has up to 80 types of microbes that will help with digestion in the small intestine. It also has half as much magnesium as calcium. This ratio of calcium to magnesium is necessary to prevent the calcium from causing constipation.
To facilitate the absorption of calcium it's necessary to also take Vitamin D. In their book, "The Calcium Factor" Dr. Carl Reich and Robert Barefoot recommend at least 5,000 I.U.s per day of Vitamin D along with six capsules of coral calcium to treat pancreatic or any other kind of cancer.
Another way to raise alkaline levels in the body is by using cesium chloride. It has a very high ph (14) and its molecules are very large, therefore its molecules get trapped inside the cells making them alkaline. This creates an environment where the cancer can't survive. Cesium is very caustic so it should only be used under a doctor's supervision.
Western medicine tends to ignore the acidity problem because Western medicine is focused more on immediate treatments for a disease rather than the cause of the disease. A lot of people have no sign of cancer after being treated with chemo and radiation therapy. What doctors don't talk about is that most of these people have cancer again within five years because the cause of the cancer hasn't been addressed.
If you do have pancreatic cancer, remember that chemo and radiation therapy are only treatments, not preventions of a cause. If you ask people that have survived more than five years after having pancreatic cancer, you may find that they have "cleaned up" their life and they've changed their diet so that ends up being more alkaline. They have alkalized their bodies and used an alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer and didn't even know it.
I live in a suburb of Portland, OR. I first got interested in alternative medicine in 1994 after I suffered a major stroke. My doctors told me that I would improve a little on my own during the first six months, but after that there would be very little improvement. They also said that there was nothing they could do. At this point I became very disillusioned with Western medicine and started studying the alternatives.
I live in a suburb of Portland, OR. I first got interested in alternative medicine in 1994 after I suffered a major stroke. My doctors told me that I would improve a little on my own during the first six months, but after that there would be very little improvement. They also said that there was nothing they could do. At this point I became very disillusioned with Western medicine and started studying the alternatives.